Exercise for Stress Relief.
You already know that regular exercise is beneficial to your health. If you tried exercise before but gave up, because it felt too much like hard work, you didn’t have enough time or felt too tired to exercise; you should feel much more motivated to start exercising regularly after reading this post.
Exercise isn’t just good for your physical fitness. Sure, you’ll benefit from improved stamina, more energy, stronger muscles, and a more toned and sculptured body. But the beneficial effects of exercise on overall mental health, including stress relief and reduction are well documented.
It’s the reason that exercise may be the most recommended coping technique for stress by health professionals, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
It works like this: Physical exertion boosts the production of new brain cells and burns the stress hormone cortisol. It also stimulates your brain to produce the mood-enhancing chemicals Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.
Let’s talk a little about each of these brain chemicals, which have their own particular benefits.
Dopamine is the chemical that governs motivation and achievement. Get a hit of dopamine in your system, and you’re going to feel more driven to get things done and more focused on the task ahead. You’ll also be able to concentrate better than you could before.
Oxytocin is a chemical that helps with love, trust, and happy relationships. Think of Oxytocin as a bonding hormone. High levels of the substance are released into the body during sex, childbirth and when you are in love.
Serotonin is what keeps you happy. That’s why many people with depression have low levels of this chemical in their body and need to take serotonin boosting prescription drugs.
Endorphins are known for its pain relieving properties as well as its ability to give users a chemical high. Runners often report a sense of euphoria from the rush of endorphins while they’re exercising. Hence the term “runners high.”
It’s pretty cool how our brains work, and that’s why regular exercise is a win-win for mind, body, and soul. The good news is that you don’t have to feel like you’re killing yourself by going all out to feel the benefits of exercise.
Even five minutes of aerobic exertion will have beneficial effects. Working out at around 80% of your capacity for 20-30 minutes will trigger those high-inducing endorphins and make you feel fantastic.
Joining a gym is always a good option, but you don’t need a formal gym membership or set program to start an exercise routine. Workout tapes or videos can give you lots of options for exercising at home.
#1 – First of all, whatever you do, don’t let the thought of exercise put you off. Your workout doesn’t have to be perfect. You just need to do something. Even housework is exercise, and you’d be surprised how much more relaxed you feel after dancing around in your living room to some upbeat music for 5-10 minutes.
#2 – Consult your doctor before undertaking anything strenuous, especially if it’s been a while since you did any physical exercise. Build up your fitness level over time. Don’t try to run before you can walk (no pun intended). If you push yourself too hard too soon, you’re more likely to give up because of soreness and muscle strain.
#3 – To help you make regular exercise part of your routine, start with an exercise you enjoy. You’re much more likely to maintain your motivation to exercise if you have fun while you’re doing it. Make it a social occasion by exercising with a friend or enroll in a group fitness class if you can.
#4 – If you have an injury or condition that makes physical exercise difficult, consider taking up Yoga. Many people experience a significant reduction in their stress levels thanks to the combination of deep breathing, physical poses and relaxation techniques. Try Hatha Yoga for a slower pace and movements that are easier to learn.
#5 – Make your exercise session longer and more intense for maximum relief when you’re feeling very stressed. Bursts of high-intensity aerobic exercise have been shown to trigger a rush of Endorphins, resulting in an exhilarating workout high.
So now you know exercise isn’t just for improving physical fitness and your outward appearance. Hopefully, you’re motivated and looking forward to getting into a regular exercise routine to reduce stress. Even if it feels like hard work at first, stick with it. The rewards are well worth it.
Not only will you be improving your mental health and reduce stress levels, but you will also feel more energized and will sleep better too.
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