Archive | December, 2014

The Pomodoro Technique



The Pomodoro Technique is an effective Time Management technique devised by a young Italian student by the name Francesco Cirillo to help him in his studies. He used a kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato to time his studies, that’s how this technique got its name since Pomodoro stands for Tomato in Italian.

So when he began to study a particular topic he would concentrate on that topic and give his full undivided attention to that topic for a period of 25 minutes, then follow that with a short break of 5 minutes. This short break helped him to refresh and rejuvenate his mind. He resumed another Pomodoro session after the break.

How do I use the Pomodoro Technique ?

In order for you to use this technique, you must choose one specific task you wish to accomplish. Then work for a period of 25 minutes towards achievement of that specific task , making progress. You could time your Pomodoro session using a simple kitchen timer, or a timer on your smart phone.

Once you reach the 25 minutes on the timer or complete one Pomodoro session, you take a break of 5 minutes to relax and refresh your mind. It is important to remember that you may not complete a task during one Pomodoro session, but the important thing is that you make progress towards achieving the task on hand. You can take one or several Pomodoro sessions to complete a particular task.


Take short breaks of 5 minutes after each Pomodoro session. Remember after every 4 Pomodoro sessions take a longer break, (15–30 minutes).

Why do I work in short bursts of Time?

The brain usually gets tired when you concentrate on a specific task for prolonged periods of time. So if a task is broken down as smaller subtasks this would be beneficial in performing the tasks more efficiently and you would get better results.

What if I am interrupted during a Pomodoro session?

If you are interrupted during a Pomodoro session you need to restart the Pomodoro session again for a period of 25 minutes. The objective is to train your mind to work in bursts of 25 minutes and then relax to recharge your mind.


Pomodoro Technique Video – by IGNITE

Pomodoro Technique Resources

Pomodoro Technique Book

Pomodoro Goodies


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