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Keys to Happiness – Part 2

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Further exploring the Keys to Happiness in Part 2, I would like to share with you some more factors which move us towards Happiness in life. So here is the next set of Keys to unlock Happiness in your life.

Be Content

No matter how much money you make, you will still be disappointed in life if you do not learn to be content with what you have. Real happiness and satisfaction comes from being content with whatever you have. So being content is key to leading a happy life.

Banish Anger

Do not get Angry as it affects you physically as well as mentally. As Buddha said holding onto Anger is just like holding onto coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burnt. So if you want to be happy in life, banish anger for ever from your life.

Be Humble

Humility is a key attitude one must have if you want to be happy. If you have an inflated ego and you are not humble, you would most certainly face situations in life where your ego can easily get hurt which would cause anguish and disappointment, which in turn would affect your health and well being and thus would make you unhappy in life.

Avoid Jealousy

Jealousy is a vice which would greatly hinder your pursuit towards happiness. Jealousy is caused when you compare your situation with another individual and hope that you would have those same luxuries and pleasures the other individual is enjoying. We can overcome jealously by setting standards for ourselves and striving to achieve those standards rather than compare ourselves with others and make ourselves feel miserable and thus unhappy. Another approach towards overcoming jealousy could be to compare yourself with people who are lesser fortunate than you.

Do Charity – Random Act of Kindness

Acts of Charity increases the feel good factor, giving a boost to your happiness. You feel elated and your mind is filled with happiness when you perform an act of giving the needy some kind support. It does not matter how big or how small your charity may be, but it definitely brings a source of happiness to your mind and soul. Try this small experiment the next time you feel low in life, try to do a Random Act of Kindness by giving some kind of help to a person who is in need, but who least expects any help from your side. You will be amazed by the amount of joy you bring into that persons life by this small act of yours, which will in turn bring joy to you. Giving in Charity is like lighting a candle, so the more you give people the more candles you light thus making your life brighter and happier. Make Charity a part of your life.

Give more than you Receive

The secret of being liked by people is to give more than you get.  This increases your happiness quotient.  And always remember that God loves a cheerful giver, so give more and you will see showers of happiness pouring into your life.

Face Criticism Positively

Do not let what others say affect your life or decisions. There will be times in life when you are criticized by people who matter to you or even by strangers. This should not disappoint you. You must always look at criticism objectively, so if the criticism has merit, work towards improving on it otherwise plainly ignores it.

Ponder over Sweet Memories

Memories of a vacation or places visited bring you an immense sense of joy. Viewing pictures or videos of a vacation taken with your family or friends really brightens up your mood. So the next time you set out on a vacation make sure to take your Digital camera or Video camera to capture those happy moments and relive the same to lift up your mood and happiness.

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Keys to Happiness – Part 1


Keys to Happiness – Part 1

Happiness in an emotion in life everyone craves for. The definition of Happiness according to Wikipedia is “Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy”.  So let us explore some keys which would help us to unlock Happiness and bring it into our lives.

In this blog post we will explore some of the keys to Happiness.


Key #1

Begin and End Day with a Prayer.

A Prayer said every morning energizes you spiritually and mentally and makes you prepared to take on the challenges of life with renewed confidence and vigor.

Before you retire to bed every night say a Prayer to thank god for all his kindness and mercies, also this could also be the time where you request anything you wish to ask God.

Key #2

Have Unconditional Love in your life.

Having love in ones life transforms a person and makes life worth living. Without love life would be tasteless, just as food would be without salt. Love could for example, loving your parents, your siblings or spouse or any human being.

The strongest and the deepest love is unconditional love. An example of which is how a mother loves her child. Unconditional love is love which expects nothing in return. And through unconditional love one can attain the highest degree of happiness since there are no strings attached.

Key #3

Forgive Others.

Have a forgiving attitude in life. If we hold a grudge on others it gives rise to mental anguish and this indirectly affects our own health. So it is in our own interest to let go sometimes and be forgiving.

Key #4

Have Low Expectations from Others.

The opposite of happiness is sadness and disappointment, now normally sadness or disappointment occurs when we expect people to do something and they do not meet our expectations.

So the trick to be happy is to expect less from others, so in case you get more than what you expect this would bring you happiness and joy.

Key #5

Have Gratitude.

In this fast paced life, we often forget to stop and thank people for what they have done for us, since we take a lot of things for granted.

So the next time, take a few moments to stop and say a Thank You to your spouse for a kind deed he or she did, or your colleague for helping you out with a tough problem, or your Parents and let them know how important they are in your life. You will be amazed at how the other person would feel valued and happy, which in turn would make you happy too.

Having gratitude greatly improves any relationship. And an improved relationship automatically brings in Happiness.

You could maintain a small notepad in which you could note down 3 things that occurred today in your life, for which you are grateful to a person or God. Over a period of time you would have a number of pages written by you, which you could browse through and read. Thus you could relive those moments of gratitude, which would perk up your mood making you happy.

Key #6


Finally, take a moment to have a hearty laugh. Watch a funny movie or a comedy show on television which would make you laugh. It is good for your happiness and health.

So, remember to live your life to the fullest. Have a forgiving attitude, expect less from others, be grateful, love unconditionally and laugh heartily whenever you have a chance.

We will explore more about the topic of Happiness in our next blog post so watch out for the same. If you like this article we would appreciate if you could tweet the same or facebook like it or forward this link to your friend and make a difference in their life.


Anger Management – How to control your temper.


When anger rises, think of the consequences. – Confucius

Each one of us have experienced bouts of anger in our lives; this could range from a minor irritation to intense fury.

Anger is a normal human emotion. But when it gets out of control, it could cause problems. This could include problems at work or in your personal relationships or in the worst case scenario it could even affect our health causing irreparable damage. So it is essential and in our best interest that we control our anger or at best try to keep it at bay.

I would like to tell you a very short story, which I would like you to read carefully and  reflect upon for a minute or so

This is a story of a father who acts wrongly in a fit of rage and regrets his actions later.

While a father was cleaning his brand new car, his son who was six years old, picked up a stone and scratched the body of the car. This car was a prized possession to the father and he really liked the car a lot. When the father saw the scratches on his car, the father went into a fit of rage and he took his son by the hand and beat him hard several times using a wrench. The injury caused was so severe that the poor boy had to be rushed to the hospital. An emergency medical procedure had to be performed on the boy, which led to the amputation of his fingers.

In the hospital, the son innocently asked the father “Dad, when will my fingers grow again?”. The father was in grief, and realized his mistake; the father returned to the car and started kicking it several times, and when sitting on the ground, looked at the scratches on his car caused by his son. The father found his son wrote * I love you, Daddy *

Friends, Love and anger have no limits………..

Just think about it, how many times in our life have we got really angry with someone who is near and dear to us and have blasted them with our anger. Could we have dealt with that situation in a different manner?. Maybe more graciously, rather than losing our temper and getting angry.

So what really causes Anger?

Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. You could be angry at a specific person for example a family member, a coworker or supervisor, or events such as a traffic jam, not getting a pay raise or promotion, or your anger could be caused by worrying about your personal problems. Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings.


What are the Negative Effects of Anger?

When you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure goes up, as do the levels of your energy hormones, and adrenaline. The natural way to express anger is to respond aggressively.

Anger is a natural, adaptive response to threats; it inspires aggressive, feelings and behaviors, which allow us to fight and to defend ourselves when we are attacked. A certain amount of anger, therefore, is necessary for our survival. But that does not mean we can physically or verbally abuse every person who annoys us.

Expressing your angry feelings in an assertive and non aggressive manner is the best way to express anger. To do this, we have to learn how to make clear what our needs are, and how to get them met, without physically hurting others. We must be always respectful towards ourselves and others.

Anger can also be suppressed, and then converted or redirected. This happens when you hold in your anger, stop thinking about it, and focus on something positive. The aim is to suppress your anger and convert it into more constructive behavior. The danger in this type of response is that if it isn’t allowed outward expression, your anger can turn inward on yourself. Anger turned inward may cause hypertension, high blood pressure, or depression.

Unexpressed anger can create other problems such as getting back at people indirectly, without telling them why, rather than confronting them head-on. Those who do not express their anger assertively tend to constantly put others down, criticize everything, and make cynical comments. Such people generally, aren’t likely to have many successful relationships.

So what can we do to overcome anger?

A strategy towards combating a bout of anger could be to let things cool down for a while. And once you feel that your temper has cooled down you could have a talk with the person with whom you may be angry.

A situation could escalate into a very unpleasant one, when both people involved in an argument are having a raised temper, so it is always better to let matters cool down, so that your heart rate is lowered and you feel calm and composed before any further talking can be initiated.

Normally when you are angry your thoughts, words and actions can spin out of control, so when you are extremely angry try to let things cool off first.

Also trying to understand the other person’s point of view or try to view the situation as if you were in the other person’s shoes could be a good strategy in combating anger as you would get a clearer perspective.

If you still feel the other person is being unreasonable, you could calmly and assertively tell him what about him or her bothers you, and how this situation could be corrected.

Some ways of calming yourself could be:

* Yoga and Meditation, this could cool your nerves and bring you back to normal.

* Breathe deeply in and out several times focusing on your breath as you inhale and exhale.

* Drink a glass of water to help cool you down.

* Listen to some light or devotional kind of music.

* A moment of silent prayer always helps.

 If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase.  – Epictetus


So friends when you are angry, give yourself a chance to calm down before taking a decision and think carefully about the decisions you make before you take any action, this could save you from a lot of grief and you would never have to regret your actions throughout your life.

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