Keys to Happiness – Part 1


Keys to Happiness – Part 1

Happiness in an emotion in life everyone craves for. The definition of Happiness according to Wikipedia is “Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy”.  So let us explore some keys which would help us to unlock Happiness and bring it into our lives.

In this blog post we will explore some of the keys to Happiness.


Key #1

Begin and End Day with a Prayer.

A Prayer said every morning energizes you spiritually and mentally and makes you prepared to take on the challenges of life with renewed confidence and vigor.

Before you retire to bed every night say a Prayer to thank god for all his kindness and mercies, also this could also be the time where you request anything you wish to ask God.

Key #2

Have Unconditional Love in your life.

Having love in ones life transforms a person and makes life worth living. Without love life would be tasteless, just as food would be without salt. Love could for example, loving your parents, your siblings or spouse or any human being.

The strongest and the deepest love is unconditional love. An example of which is how a mother loves her child. Unconditional love is love which expects nothing in return. And through unconditional love one can attain the highest degree of happiness since there are no strings attached.

Key #3

Forgive Others.

Have a forgiving attitude in life. If we hold a grudge on others it gives rise to mental anguish and this indirectly affects our own health. So it is in our own interest to let go sometimes and be forgiving.

Key #4

Have Low Expectations from Others.

The opposite of happiness is sadness and disappointment, now normally sadness or disappointment occurs when we expect people to do something and they do not meet our expectations.

So the trick to be happy is to expect less from others, so in case you get more than what you expect this would bring you happiness and joy.

Key #5

Have Gratitude.

In this fast paced life, we often forget to stop and thank people for what they have done for us, since we take a lot of things for granted.

So the next time, take a few moments to stop and say a Thank You to your spouse for a kind deed he or she did, or your colleague for helping you out with a tough problem, or your Parents and let them know how important they are in your life. You will be amazed at how the other person would feel valued and happy, which in turn would make you happy too.

Having gratitude greatly improves any relationship. And an improved relationship automatically brings in Happiness.

You could maintain a small notepad in which you could note down 3 things that occurred today in your life, for which you are grateful to a person or God. Over a period of time you would have a number of pages written by you, which you could browse through and read. Thus you could relive those moments of gratitude, which would perk up your mood making you happy.

Key #6


Finally, take a moment to have a hearty laugh. Watch a funny movie or a comedy show on television which would make you laugh. It is good for your happiness and health.

So, remember to live your life to the fullest. Have a forgiving attitude, expect less from others, be grateful, love unconditionally and laugh heartily whenever you have a chance.

We will explore more about the topic of Happiness in our next blog post so watch out for the same. If you like this article we would appreciate if you could tweet the same or facebook like it or forward this link to your friend and make a difference in their life.

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