Understanding Digital Marketing – An amazing session in Marketing by Digital Deepak.

Digital Deepak Internship Session.


The Digital Deepak Internship Session Number 1 on 16th of May 2020 conducted by digital expert, Mr. Deepak Kanakaraju was an awesome 2 hours I spent.

I learnt a lot about Digital Marketing in the Introductory Lesson which was Jam Packed with Takeaways. I was continuously taking notes, as so much of value was being delivered in this session, which I will try to summarize for your benefit.

Why I joined this Internship Program?

  • I Wanted to learn Marketing from a Digital Marketing Expert.
  • I Wanted to grow my brand and Site using the knowledge gained.
  • Had Time on hand because of the Lockdown.

Now I will list down the major Takeaways from this Webinar session.

 Takeaway 1 – Set your Goals

You Must have a Goal to achieve Success in Life.

Some examples of Goals could be.

  • To improve your communication skill so that we can excel in all areas of our life.
  • Improve your sales skills to sell yourself better and your products better.
  • Become a blogger, Video maker, affiliate marketer, agency owner, grow your business, start a movement or get a job.

So, you need to Choose one of the above as your Goal.

My choice is to Start a Movement, to introduce Personal Development and show its power to transform a Human Being.

Takeaway 2 – Finding the Gold (Choosing your Niche)

Narrow down the niche you are going to focus on. The markets are ever expanding because the solution to needs gives rise to new needs.

Cars were invented because people want to get from one place to another but once cars were invented people wanted further needs out of it. Like for example people may want alloy wheels, service for the car, people might need a car wash, people might need leather upholstery.

When you try to find solutions to the market needs the solutions will give rise to more challenges. And it needs even more solutions.

There are infinite number of niches available. Several Micro niches exists under Health, Wealth, Relationship, Fashion.

Choose a niche that aligns with your Passion, Talent and Market opportunity.


Takeaway 3 – Economics

Learning about Global Economics is very Important when it comes to understanding how we do business and to be successful in business.

The economy of a country goes up when the average age of the country goes up. People tend to spend more. People move out from their Parents home. People begin their family. Have children. Kids go to college the household expenses increase.

If you look at developed economies where the average age of population is much high. The household spending goes down. Therefore, economy also starts going down. India, South East Asia, Africa these are young markets and the opportunities available out there is a lot. So, the next 100 billionaires will be from India, South East Asia, China and Africa.

That’s Amazing!!!

Economy goes down when average age goes up above 50, household spending goes down.

Debt creates money (That’s interesting to know).

If you take loan from the bank the total circulation of money in the economy expands. When you take a loan, you may deposit in another bank. That bank will take it as deposit and give out loans again. Once people start repaying the debts the cash circulation in the economy starts shrinking.

When this happens, you have recession. Then the central bank would reduce interest rates, so that they can encourage more people to borrow and go into debt. That’s how the entire economic cycle works.

Deflation of money supply happens when people start repaying debt. Don’t worry about recession. People will always pay money for value, that’s an important takeaway.

During recession strong companies survive, weak companies fail.

Digital Deepak suggested some books which would help enhance our knowledge in economics.

Recommended Books

Economic 101

Currency Wars

Books by Paul Krugman

Books by Raghuram Rajan

Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith


Takeaway 4 – Communication Skills

Having communication skills is key for Digital Marketing.

Why is it important to learn Communication Skills?

  • Helps in Content Creation
  • Helps in Sales
  • Helps in becoming a successful Professional or Entrepreneur


Takeaway 5 – Easy ways to Master Communications

  1. Read a Lot (At least 30 Minutes a day)
  2. Listen to a Podcast (30 Minutes a day)
  3. Write a lot, the more you write the better writer you will become (Aim for 500 Words a Day)
  4. Watch English Sitcoms like The Office, Seinfeld, Silicon Valley, Mad Men, Friends
  5. Watch stand up Comedy shows to learn culture and Local Slangs

Takeaway 6 -Marketing Strategy

How Integrated Digital Marketing Works

You get started with creating content and building a tribe. You start having SEO Traffic to it. Then have a social media strategy around it. Then you have Email marketing around it. Then start mixing Paid Advertising.  Eventually you Sell and Convert.

This is the Integrated Digital Marketing Framework.

The Four Steps towards building Trust through Marketing involves Content, Attention, Trust, Transaction

First you create awesome content. Get the Attention through SEO so you rank on Google, Blog Posts, YouTube Posts, Social Media, Email Marketing and Paid Advertising, this will build Trust. You should put out content on a consistent basis. Once the people know, like and trust you they will buy from you.


Takeaway 7-Find Market Demand

  1. Using Google Autosuggest
  2. Answerthepublic.com
  3. Amazon Reviews
  4. Scratch your Own Itch – What is the problem or solution you are facing which the market has no solutions offered.
  5. Talk to Customers
  6. Look for Pre and Post Sale Services of other Products


Takeaway 8 – Build your Personal Brand

  • The best known will always beat the best.
  • Be useful and give value to people
  • Once you do that people will like you, this will boost your confidence
  • Show your character and personality, don’t hide behind logos or presentations.
  • More content means you own more of the Internet

The benefits of Personal Branding

  • You have your own unique style and your own tribe
  • People want to hear from people they know
  • You get the desired Job
  • You can close a Client

Takeaway 9 – Funnels

Funnels are a great way to grow your customer value over time.

Move the free line from the Social Media, YouTube onto your Funnel. You can offer Free Reports, Books, Mini Courses as your front-end offer. Then, Build Trust Through the Funnel.

Make the Funnel Automated. Build Relationship on Automation such as Email Autoresponders. You move the people through your funnel by offering value and building Trust. Then you offer higher end packages and consulting as they move through your funnel

The objective is to get 1 million people at the top of the funnel and get 1000 people at the bottom of the funnel so if you offer 10000 Rs program to 1000 people you earn 1 Crore Rs

Build people who can be your Brand Ambassadors – ex DD Internship Batch Students

Awesome value provided in the just in the first session itself. Looking forward to the upcoming sessions.

You can learn more about Digital Deepak on his site.




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